To Do List...
Here are some photos I took in Chicago (the one of the Senator on stage is the one you see below, taken by Dan, a site guy) mostly of the largest sign making party I've ever seen. Pretty cool. Maybe more of my photographs will make it up.
I was meant to go to SC today, but flights were canceled across the board last night. So, I'm grounded. Can't go anywhere cause I have to have my dress fitted for Michelle's wedding next weekend. So...going to figure out how to either not spend money or make some money!
I'm going to take this time to organize photos and get them on a hard drive; work on my tax paper work; organize my expenses from Chicago and maybe even relax a little. Catch up on some reading I'd like to do. Maybe I'll read one of Obama's books. Any suggestions on which I should read?
I'm disappointed that I'm not on the road this weekend. I'll attempt to have a good attitude :)
I've got a profile on, does anyone else?
Check out "Pale Fire" or "Bend Sinister." Oh, here's a Barack Obama "profile":
I'd like to hear about the books he wrote. I would order them, but I want to know that they are great first, because it costs me a fortune to get them here!
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